Brain Health Credentials

From my first encounter with the Bredesen Protocol at the patient immersion in 2017, I knew that I wanted to be involved in the movement to prevent and reverse cognitive decline. I participated in the beta training group for Reversing Cognitive Decline for Coaches at the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. When the training program was later expanded and improved by Apollo Health, I co-created and recorded three of the coach training modules to assure that health coaches are better trained to work with clients in this space.

In addition, I am teaching the Mastering Mold Toxicity course and leading two Support Groups through Apollo Health: One support group for Care Partners of people with cognitive decline and two groups for people identified to have Type 3 contributors such as exposure to mold toxins, heavy metals, environmental toxins or chronic Lyme disease.

I have had the pleasure of joining Dr. Bredesen and the Apollo team in several Facebook Livestreams:


A Surprisingly Common Cause of Brain Fog & Dementia (Mold Toxins)

Discussion on how mold impacts health and cognition, often contributing to dementia. Julie G. and Julie Luby discussed their own journeys with mold remediation. Brian shared how his personal health journey lead him to become an expert mold investigator.

The Bredesen Protocol: A Family Affair (Care Partners)

Discussion on how practicing the Bredesen protocol impacts the family, including the benefit of having the whole family practice the protocol and the importance of supporting the care partner.

How Health Coaching Can Help You With the ReCODE Protocol

Discussion on success stories using the ReCODE Protocol™ to optimize brain health. The coaches shared their stories of working with members of the care team to embrace and adopt the lifestyle changes needed to reverse and prevent cognitive decline.